We made alot of friends and strengthened relationships between cracking groups like never before. Not just this game but the industry-wide embarrassment of Denuvo and the fact that the company now has no legitimate reason to exist.
This was a worldwide collaborative effort and we did this all for you. You know I only started checking out the end-user forums in the last few months and I gotta say I’m a bit shocked at the ingratitude. No, hai we have no deal with Rebellion or any other developer the drugs are getting to you buddy. Try a usb SSD flash with DRV persistence. Here are some tips to prevent Denuvo from catching and locking. After a long, long looooooooooooooooooonng age, you’ll render the correct string for your rig and ONLY your rig.
Cloudsource whatever extra crunching power you need so you don’t change your hardware config causing Denuvo to rework its algorithm chaining. Ready? Rework loft-crack to render a 20 char quadriary string in dashed quintets using the full asci set confined to the single-spaced outputs. If you switch rigs or hardware configs?–you start over. First off this method will only work if tried on the same rig over and over until success. Can you imagine our exposure in such an idiotic position? Anyone who wants to try this one will learn alot and gain even more so listen close if you’re up to it. We’re not releasing for the reasons we already cited and no, we took no deal to wait.